Recfishwest calls on Government to listen to local fishers and re-think illogical and unjustifiable no fishing zones

Recfishwest says that some of the proposed no-fishing zones in the Government’s South Coast Marine Park plans released today are “completely illogical and unjustifiable”.

Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said, “Proposing no fishing zones in front of caravan parks, boat ramps and along several popular beaches demonstrates marine park planners in Perth are out of touch with the south coast community.


“We stand firmly for sustainability; however, we cannot support the marine parks in their current form.

“None of the evidence we have seen supports the need to implement no fishing zones over the top of places where people have fished for generations, and they simply cannot be justified.

“The Government must genuinely engage with the local community – if they had done this in the first place, they would not be proposing to implement these zones where they have.”

SEE A MAP OF THE PROPOSED MARINE PARK ZONES HERE (the green zones are the proposed no fishing zones).


Orleans Bay Caravan Park sees thousands of mums, dads and kids venturing down each year to enjoy the great fishing on offer from the beach and off boats. If implemented in their current form, several of the proposed marine park zones will see great fishing experiences like this off limits to fishing families along the south coast.

In December, the Environment Minister Reece Whitby is on record saying that the Government “had listened to recreational fishers” and that fishers would “be impressed by what they see at the other end.”

“We confirm that we are not impressed by what we see in these proposals,” said Dr Rowland, “The views of local fishers have clearly been ignored and it’s now time the Government genuinely starts listening.

“We ask the Government to seriously re-think several zones and join us at the table to deliver a truly positive outcome for fishers, the environment and our future.”

“These plans are now open for public comment until 16 June and Recfishwest encourages all fishers with an interest in this coast to study the details and engage in the consultation process.”

Recfishwest will be on the south coast this week encouraging locals to have their say over the coming four months. Make sure you join our Cast of Thousands as a Recfishwest member to help us protect access to our prized fishing spots.

Recfishwest on the south coast and in the news calling for marine park consultation to ‘get back on track’

Dr Andrew Rowland, Recfishwest CEO, and Operations Officer Sam Bock were recently on the south coast listening to the concerns of local fishers about the potential impact of DBCA’s proposed marine park.

Stretching along 1,000 km of coastline from Bremer Bay to the WA/SA border, many local fishers told Andrew and Sam that the marine park already has a predefined political outcome and will be an unnecessary overreach coming out of Perth.

These concerns have been stoked by the bad publicity surrounding the consultation process to date.

While there, Andrew was also in the news on the front page of the Esperance Weekender and was on ABC Esperance, Goldfields, Mid-West and Wheatbelt calling for the consultation process to get back on track to enable a balanced outcome to be achieved.

Recfishwest CEO DR Andrew Rowland has been busy in the media while hearing concerns from local fishers on the south coast marine park.

Read the articles in the Esperance Weekender here

Listen to the ABC radio interview with Esperance Land Based Fishing Club president Mitch Waideman here.


Concerns mount over beach driving bans and dog exclusions in proposed south coast marine park

Being able to drive on the beach to your favourite fishing spot to wet a line is what makes living on the south coast so great.

And for those with dogs, taking your canine friend along for the ride merely adds to the enjoyment.

However, we are hearing increasing concerns from south coast fishers that these freedoms (which are already restricted on some beach stretches) could be under serious threat in the proposed south coast marine park with DBCA’s track record in park management.

These concerns are understandable with a catalogue of closures and bans imposed by DBCA on fishers and beach-goers across the State:

A track record of blocking tracks

Many fishers, particularly on the south coast, will be familiar with abrupt loss of vehicle access in areas managed by DBCA – as these examples (just a few of many) illustrate:

  • Following frequent south coast rains, track closures in areas such as Cape Arid National Park, Nuytsland Nature Reserve, and Stokes National Park are common. Current restrictions in these areas are severely limiting access to popular fishing spots such as Poison Creek, Thomas River and Stokes Inlet. Poor weather and track closures throughout winter is already the norm here – additional restrictions in the new marine park are the last thing the local community wants to see.
  • Elsewhere, the Boranup and wider South-west community still have their vehicle access to South Beach blocked after DBCA suddenly and unexpectedly dumped several large boulders across the track at Hooley Road. Despite Recfishwest calling on the Environment Minister to restore access, neither DBCA nor the boulders have budged.
  • Middle Quarram Track, located near Denmark in the Quarram Nature Reserve, was closed indefinitely in March of last year “until declared safe” according to a DBCA parks alert due to a build-up of soft sand. No diversion has been put in place since and there has been no indication from DBCA of plans for the track to reopen.
  • In the Shark Bay Marine Park, driving below the high-water mark is only allowed in designated areas throughout the park, and is completely prohibited in recreational zones and sanctuary zones.
  • Any fisher on the south coast knows that driving on beaches – often below the high tide mark – is a necessity for accessing many of the most valued fishing locations. And at many times these areas are already inaccessible due to the environment on the South Coast – be it soft sand, deep wash-outs or build-up of seaweed.

Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said, “The potential implications of the marine park zoning on beach driving are concerning, particularly in combination with the frequency of track closures in the multitude of national parks along this stretch of coastline.

“Marine parks are supposed to be there for the benefit of all park users. These kinds of restrictions prevent fishers, a huge user group, as well as general beach-goers and campers from enjoying parks and all the mental, physical and well-being benefits fishing and being in these spectacular environments bring. This defeats the park’s purpose in the first place.”


Tightening the leash

For many residents and holidaymakers, part of the appeal of the south coast is to relax on a picturesque, secluded beach with your family and pets, while wetting a line.

Responsible dog owners who frequent this stretch of coastline will already be painfully aware of the wide-ranging restrictions on where you can take your dog, with numerous large national parks along the coast prohibiting pets.

We have heard feedback from many south coast fishers that most of their favourite fishing spots are dictated by these current restrictions, choosing to fish in locations where they can take their furry friends along for the experience.

Now with the proposed south coast marine park looming closer, a serious cloud of doubt hangs over the future of being able to take your dog to the beach or on your fishing trips anywhere between Bremer Bay and the WA/SA border.

DBCA has a very clear policy and history when it comes to allowing dogs in marine parks:  

  • According to DBCA’s website: “Your animal may travel in a boat in a marine park or reserve but must not enter or exit the boat within a marine park or reserve and must remain inside your vehicle if transiting through an adjoining national park”.
  • Under the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (‘CALM Act’), a person may not bring an animal onto lands or waters managed under the CALM Act, which includes national parks and marine parks.
  • Out of 200 DBCA-run marine parks, nature reserves, regional parks and national parks just 35 allow pets – and usually restricted to on-leash and only within small, designated areas. Dogs are not allowed in any marine park other than on boats.

The proposed marine park will span more than 1,000 km of coastline, from east of Bremer Bay to the WA/SA border and will likely include all beaches and coastal areas up to the high-water mark, save for a small radius around Esperance townsite covered by Port waters.

This means that many of your favourite fishing spots, assuming they are not locked away in a sanctuary zone in the new park, could be off-limits for your dog.

Andrew said, “For many on the south coast, the prospect of going fishing or going to the beach and leaving your dogs at home is absurd.

“Again, DBCA needs to be made aware imposing restrictions on a large section of the south coast community in this way will simply not be acceptable.”

“This will make it even more critical for south coast fishers to make clear what is important to you, when details of the proposed marine park are released for public comment in the next couple of months.”

Marine park planning mess stokes fears of south coast social and economic fall-out

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction’s (DBCA’s) marine park on the south coast has been in the headlines recently for all the wrong reasons.

From shire council presidents, to leading members of the marine park’s Community Reference Committee (CRC), to community engagement officers, a growing chorus of voices have publicly criticised the direction the planning process has taken in the last few months (see some of their comments in the news and on social media below).

“There is mounting concern that our freedom to fish beaches and offshore areas prized by generations of south coast residents and visitors is on the line, “ said Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland. “With our own experiences of it to date, we share the community’s concerns that the planning process for the marine park has gone sideways.”

Many highly cherished fishing spots that are accessible by four wheel drive between Bremer Bay and the South Australian border could soon be off limits due to new sanctuary zones in this region. Photo: Michael Renton

Fishing community input appears ignored

As part of what was promised to be an open, transparent and genuine consultation process, Recfishwest was requested to provide a clear understanding of the fishing areas and experiences valued highly by recreational fishers.

Through a series of community meetings and survey feedback from hundreds of south coast fishers a data-driven picture of the places that matter most to fishers was generated by Recfishwest.

“We have provided this detailed feedback to DBCA, yet this input appears to have been completely ignored,” said Andrew. “In the interests of an informed and transparent consultation process, it would be entirely reasonable to expect to see a comprehensive social economic impact assessment of a marine park on the region. Yet, despite claims made in Parliament that one has been undertaken, we have seen no evidence that this is the case.”

The need for balance

Fishing and camping along south coast beaches with friends, family and your dog is part and parcel of the south coast community’s cultural and social fabric. Recfishwest strongly advocates that these activities must be conserved in any marine park along with the marine environment that supports them.

“The establishment of a marine park along the south coast must be balanced and should not deprive local communities from accessing popular fishing locations and beaches and all the well-being, family, social and economic benefits they provide to the local community,” said Andrew.

If you care about the south coast marine environment and enjoy fishing between Bremer Bay and the SA/WA boarder, it is important to have your say on the proposals once they are released for public comment. We’ll be keeping our community up to date on future developments.

Read Recfishwest’s position statement on marine parks here 


Casting lures at salmon schools off pristine south coast beaches like this one is the kind of fishing experience that must be conserved in marine parks. Photo: Western Angler/Scott Coghlan.

South coast marine park – community views in the news

Esperance Shire President Ian Mickel said a poorly designed park could “radically change the economic, tourism, industry and community landscape of the region.”

“The stress felt by our fishing families at this time is huge…we have also raised awareness of the mental health impact this process is taking on fishing businesses and the community.”

Cllr Mickel has written to the Premier on behalf of the council, calling on the Government to release the social economic impact assessment reportedly completed for the proposed marine park.


Local resident and Community Reference Committee member Dr Kristen Perks, a respected marine biologist, took to social media to give her view on the planning process to date.

Dr Perks says DBCA ignored the input of DPIRD, their joint planning partner, in draft plans for the park put forward to the CRC for comment.

Dr Perks said, “It is unfortunate and disappointing DPIRD’s recommendations were not taken into account by DBCA. In my view DPIRD’s draft zoning recommendations had recognised and respected the socio-economic values of our local community and provided a good balance between conservation, recreation and commercial fishers.

“I believe with a marine park boundary spanning 1,000km from Bremer Bay to the South Australian border, SURELY, we can come up with a good compromise to enable marine sustainability whilst delivering the least impact on industry and the community’s ability to enjoy our local waters.

“I am prepared (and hopefully everyone is as well) to get on my soapbox to ensure we get balance for all parties and create a Marine Park we can all be proud of.”


South coast fishing stalwart and popular YouTuber Gideon Mettam – usually a moderate voice on fishing matters – has also fired up on his channels about the way he fears things might be going.

“Usually, I want nothing to do with all this political stuff, but this is too much. You all ought to have an idea of what’s going on ahead of time, so you’re ready to tell them where to shove their unnecessary sanctuary zones that will prevent us from enjoying the already pristine south coast.”

Gido is fired up. Photo: Gido’s Fishing Adventures

Petition gaining traction

A petition, organised by Esperance local recreational fisher Neil Pechar, has already amassed more than 2,800 signatures at the time of writing.

“We feel if we don’t speak up the Government will just run with it and we will lose a lot of our fishing areas and lifestyle which is pretty important for us in Esperance,” Neil told the ABC.


The Esperance Weekender recently reported the contract of the Esperance-based DBCA community engagement officer, hired to liaise with and help inform the community, was not renewed moving into the critical community consultation phase of the planning process.

“I feel disappointed and sorry that the broader community voice may not be heard as effectively as it should be going forward,” said the engagement officer. “There was every expectation that my role was for the entirety of the marine park planning process as clearly articulated in the Community Engagement Strategy endorsed by the former Minister.”

Recfishwest receives great feedback from fishing communities on proposed marine parks

One of the fishing community’s greatest challenges is maintaining access to high-quality fishing experiences across Western Australia.  

Be it from industrial development, the deterioration and subsequent closing of jetties and platforms, or marine park zones that prohibit fishing, recreational fishers face a constant uphill battle in being able to access the experiences we all love and cherish. 

In the case of marine parks, Recfishwest has been at the coalface this year as we advocate strongly for a fair and reasonable outcome for fishers in two marine parks currently going through the consultation process.  

One of these parks – The Marmion Marine Park – is currently located between Trigg and Ocean Reef and has been in place since 1987. As part of a 2019 commitment, the State Government announced in February plans to extend the marine park further north from Trigg up to Two Rocks.   

Another new marine park is also being proposed on the south coast, between Bremer Bay and the South Australian border.  

In order to assist recfishers having their say, Recfishwest have directly engaged fishers along the south coast and metropolitan regions, as well as undertaking two online surveys, aimed at highlighting the most important areas for recreational fishing in both areas covered by the proposed parks.  

Recfishers were surveyed on numerous questions such as asking them to highlight specific fishing spots they enjoy in these areas, how often they fish, the species they target and what was most important to their fishing experiences, such as accessibility, health benefits and safety.  

Hundreds of thousands of people fish between Trigg and Two Rocks (left) and along our southern coast between Bremer Bay and the South Australian border (right).

Thanks to the great survey feedback provided from 761 fishers across both areas, Recfishwest has been advocating to decision-makers to ensure recfishing values are understood throughout the planning process.   

We are continuing to meet with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and traditional owners to discuss what can be achieved in these marine parks when recfishing values are applied. 

While marine parks are not a fisheries management tool, it is crucial that any zoning type that impacts on recreational fishing access must be justified by evidence, including how recreational fishing impacts upon the key values being protected.   

Our surveys and meetings conducted in these areas underline the importance of recreational fishers being provided with an understanding around the process and rationale used to develop different zone types.  

Extensive consultation processes are underway, in which Recfishwest is directly involved. Thanks to the feedback gathered below, Recfishwest will be in a stronger position to ensure recfishing values are well understood prior to draft marine park plans being released next year.   

The release of these plans will provide further opportunity for fishers to put forward their point of view when it will again be important for the fishing community to have its collective say. 

Marmion Marine Park Survey Findings

  • 334 respondents identified 459 specific fishing areas important to them. 
  • Combinations of fishing types were favoured by some, but the survey was dominated by solely dedicated shore or boat-based fishers. 
  • Most important shore-based locations were aligned with access points, such as marinas and carparks. 
  • Most important boat-based locations include Hillarys to Mindarie, capturing locations such as Three-Mile Reef and Staggie Reef.  
A heat map from our survey showing the most popular fishing spots within the proposed Marmion Marine Park extension.

South Coast Marine Park Survey Findings

  • 427 responses from mostly shore-based fishers only (169), closely followed by shore-based and boat-based fishers (147). 
  • 110 respondents fished at least 20 days per year or more.  
  • The majority of survey respondents fished between Bremer Bay and Cape Arid. 
  • Eastern sections of proposed marine parks were fished less due to limited boat launching opportunities but were still rated incredibly important for wilderness fishing experiences. 
A heat map from our South Coast Marine Park survey, showing the highest fishing activity between Bremer Bay and Cape Arid (top section), with less fishing occurring in the eastern region (bottom section).

Most important factors to fishers across both proposed areas 

  • Easy accessibility to their favourite fishing spots, including boat ramps, four-wheel-drive tracks and launching sites. 
  • Spending quality time with friends and family. 
  • Being able to combine camping opportunities with fishing experiences.  
  • The mental and physical health benefits that fishing provides.  
  • Fishing safety.

Thanks to everyone involved with the fantastic feedback gathered above.  

We will keep you updated on the planning processes for these marine parks and will ensure they are underpinned by peer-reviewed science and feedback from public consultation to improve recreational fishing experiences in these areas with no net loss of amenity.  

Click here to read our position on marine parks  


Take our Marmion Marine Park and South Coast Marine Park online surveys!

If you fish between Trigg and Two Rocks in Perth’s north or between Bremer Bay and the South Australian border on our southern coast, Rercfishwest is strongly encouraing you to take our respective marine park surveys and get your voice heard in their planning processes.

The Marmion Marine Park is set to extend its northern boundary from its current base of Trigg to Burns Rocks up to Two Rocks.

Map of proposed extended boundary for Marmion Marine Park

Whether you fish from a boat or from the shore in this metro area, complete our online mapping survey – link below – to let us know where is important for your fishing in the proposed marine park extension.

Similarly, if you wet a line between Bremer Bay and the South Australian border, we recommend completing our south coast fishing online mapping survey – link below. This will help us ensure decision-makers understand how important fishing is to you along this stunning stretch of coastline.

Recfishwest Operations Lead, Matt Gillett said, “We understand why many fishers might have concerns over how these marine parks might impact their fishing, which is more reason to stand up and have your say in these surveys.

“The more you share your views and important fishing areas with us, the better we can advocate for getting the best result for you and the wider WA fishing community.”

As the State’s peak recreational fishing body, Recfishwest’s purpose is to ensure great fishing experiences for all in the WA community, forever.

Our commitment is to protect, promote and develop sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for the benefit of the community.

Recfishwest will advocate directly to decision-makers to ensure that recreational fishing values are understood throughout the planning process.

To find out more about a specific marine park planning process, check out the links below.

Proposed Marmion Marine Park Extension

Proposed South Coast Marine Park

Marine park planning process update

Back in February, Recfishwest brought you news of the WA Government’s announcement of a new and transparent marine park consultation process.

Click here for a recap!

This week, Recfishwest engaged in our first meeting of the new process, involving the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions as well as the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development.

Inclusive marine park planning processes must be in place.

From a recreational fishing perspective there are four areas of the State for which we need to be engaged under this new planning phase. These are:

  • A proposed Buccaneer Archipelago Marine Park;
  • A review of and potential changes to the Marmion Marine park;
  • A new marine park on the south coast in an area possibly near Esperance;
  • A land based terrestrial national park at the Abrolhos Islands.

Recfishwest is seeking a better and more inclusive process for future marine planning activities than we have seen in the past.

A new process is needed to ensure all of the values and benefits provided to fishing in these areas are captured and recognised within marine park planning.

It is vitally important that people who use these areas and live in these regions have maximum opportunity to provide input and that this input is effectively captured within the outcomes of the final management plans.

In the past we’ve found these opportunities to be lacking. This has led to significant impacts on areas that recreational fishers have historically had access to and some good fishing locations have been unnecessarily locked away.

The first meeting was a positive one with the Departments seeking feedback as to what a better process may look like. At the end of the day we all want to ensure a healthy marine environment and have management systems in place that properly look after the areas that we care about.

Marine parks should be underpinned by peer reviewed science and must be implemented using simple, practical management that is risk-based, transparent and subject to regular review.

Recfishwest will keep you updated with opportunities to have your say throughout the consultation process.

Public consultation with recreational fishers plays a vital role in marine park planning processes.

A new marine park in the South West, when did that happen?

Recfishwest have received feedback from a number of fishers who have recently travelled to the states South West in search of a salmon only to find their favourite fishing spot is now part of the Ngari Capes Marine Park. This confusion is hardly surprising given the community has heard very little about this park since consultation was first undertaken well over a decade ago.

The Ngari Capes Marine Park starts about 5km to the east of Augusta and covers the entire Capes region, finishing half way between Capel and Busselton. The management zones for this park were put in place in 2018. Following a 12-month grace period, enforcement of the new fishing regulations has coincided with the start of the salmon season and this has caught many fishers off-guard.

Recfishwest made its first submission on the Ngari Capes Marine Park in 2004 and many passionate fishers in the South West made excellent contributions during the less than perfect community consultation process.

Without the input from Recfishwest and these passionate fishers, the park we see today would have had many more fishing restrictions.

Recfishwest believes recreational fishing is largely compatible with the conservation objectives of marine parks and is an activity that must be recognised as a key value when formulating management plans.

Like most fishers, Recfishwest support marine parks when they are created for the right reasons, put in the right places and implemented using simple, practical management that is risk-based, transparent and subject to regular review.

To read Recfishwest’s position on marine parks, click here.

Regardless of the process used to create the Ngari Capes Marine Park, the new regulations are now being enforced. It is the responsibility of all fishers to know what type of fishing you can do in each of the parks 15 sanctuary zones, 12 special purpose zones and 2 recreation zones. Whilst most of the Ngari Capes Marine Park still allows fishing, it is important to keep up to date by visiting either the DBCA or DPIRD website or by downloading the Recfishwest App.

The free Recfishwest smartphone app now has a new mapping feature identifying marine park zones that have some form of fishing restriction. The maps are downloadable to your phone, so once you leave phone range you can still view the maps at the touch of a button. When open, the app also sends you notifications once you enter and exit a marine park zone that has different fishing rules.

To unlock these new features, please update your Recfishwest app in the app store.

For iPhone, click here.

For Android, click here.

Click here to view Ngari capes zoning and permitted uses.

While the process used to create the Ngari Capes Marine Park was far from perfect, Recfishwest was pleased to hear the government earlier this year announced a new and transparent community consultation process for the creation of any new marine parks.

Recfishwest have been calling for greater consultation during the marine planning processes for a number of years and hopefully this new process will ensure the mistakes of the past are not repeated in the future. It’s vital that all of us engage at every opportunity.

This will ensure what’s important to us is recognised as part of marine planning processes.

To read about the new consultation process click here.

2019 Election and the Return of Federal Labor “Lock Outs”

Recreational fishing in Western Australia is governed by state laws and is largely a state responsibility, so as you prepare to tuck into a democracy sausage on May 18th you could be forgiven for thinking the federal election cannot possibly impact your fishing experience, unfortunately, this is simply not true.

So far this election campaign, the current Coalition government has pledged $29 million for a variety of fishing-based initiatives including $20 million to improve boating facilities and $8 million to restore habitat.

To learn more about the Coalition $29 million commitment click here.

Less than 24 hours after first publishing this article highlighting the fact the Australia Labor Party (ALP) had so far failed to announce any commitments, they pledged $45 million to improve recreational fishing including improving boat ramps, native fish stocking and better consultation processes.

To learn more about the ALP $45 million commitment click here.  

In Western Australia, recreational fishers directly inject $2.4 billion into our local economy every year. The lack of major well-developed commitments by both parties is disappointing, both major parties have failed to fully appreciate just how important fishing is to the community and to the economy.

One area of major difference between the two key parties that is likely to impact on your fishing experience is the way they plan to manage our network of Commonwealth marine parks. The 2019 election is looming as a watershed moment in the way these parks are managed.

Like most fishers, Recfishwest support marine parks when they are created for the right reasons, put in the right places and implemented using simple, practical management that is risk-based, transparent and subject to regular review.




To read Recfishwest’s position on marine parks click here

Developing Australia’s network of Commonwealth marine parks has been a very long and time-consuming process that started more than 20 years ago. Recfishwest has participated in this process from the beginning and has invested many years of hard work and submitted countless submissions during this time.  In July last year, Australia’s very first complete network of Commonwealth marine parks came into effect, providing Australia with one of the largest areas of marine protection in the world.

To learn more about the history of Australia’s network of Commonwealth marine parks click here.

Despite management plans for Western Australia’s Commonwealth marine parks taking effect on 1st July 2018, the Australian Labor Party has announced it does not intend to let the current 10 year management plans run their course and has committed to replacing the current management plans with ones they developed back in 2012 when last in government.

Recfishwest believe the current management plans provide far better environmental, social and economic outcomes for Western Australia than the 2012 plans ever did. Some examples of the way the current plans provide much better outcomes than the 2012 plans include;

Perth Canyon (Rottnest Trench) Commonwealth Marine Park

The current plans retain access to important fishing grounds near Perth including the Rottnest Trench and the Perth Game Fishing Club’s FAD program west of Rottnest while at the same time providing an additional 134km2 of National Park (IUCN II – Green Zone) protection and 1693km2 of Habitat Protection Area (IUCN IV – Yellow Zone) protection. The current management plans also provide protection for two of the three canyon heads compared to the 2012 plans which provided protection to only one.

Geographe Bay Commonwealth Marine Park

The current plans align Commonwealth green and yellow zones to similar zones in the state-based Ngari Capes marine park providing much greater shore to shelf connectivity and making it much easier for people to know where the zones are.

Bremer Commonwealth Marine Park

The current plans provide an additional 2,888km2 of green zone protection for the Killer Whale aggregations near Bremer Bay, which will completely disappear if the 2012 plans are implemented.

Dampier Commonwealth Marine Park

The current plans allow access to pelagic species in the Madeleine Shoals to the North of Legendre Island, while the irregular boundary of the 2012 green zone made it very hard to know if you are inside or outside of the prohibited fishing area.

 Ningaloo Commonwealth Marine Park

The current plans have  116km2 of green zones which align to the state marine park boundaries providing shore to shelf connectivity while the 2012 plans didn’t have any green or yellow zones.

Kimberley Commonwealth Marine Park

The current plans provide 4000km2 more green and yellow zones compared to the 2012 plans and they also improve accessibility for Broome fishers who are known to fish within 30nm of the coastline from Cape Leveque to Broome and within 90nm of Broome.

For a full comparison of the zoning between the current plans and the 2012 plans click here:

Commonwealth marine park – 2019 election comparison of zoning

It should be noted that all sectors of the Australian fishing industry fully support the current management plans, which were created following years of consultation and which achieve a good balance between sustainability and the right of Australians to catch fish, eat fish and make a living from the ocean.

To read a joint industry letter supporting the current management plan, click here.

To view fishing identity Al McGlashan’s view on marine parks, click here.

Recfishwest, The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation, Game Fishing Association of Australia, Australian Fishing Trade Association and Seafood Industry Australia have all expressed support for the current management plans, agreeing they achieve an acceptable balance between sustainability and access to Australia’s fish resources. These groups unanimously agree the current plans are a vast improvement on the Frankenstein like 2012 plans Labor wants to bring back to life.

While the Labor Party has been a vocal critic of the current marine park management plans for the Coral Sea they have been largely silent on the current management plans for marine parks in Western Australia. Could this be because the current management plans provide more access to important fishing areas? Or could it be because the current plans provide greater environmental protection in areas where it is needed than the 2012 plans ever did? Or could it simply be the needs of Western Australians are once again playing second fiddle to the Eastern States?

If you get a chance to talk to any of your local candidates in the upcoming election on behalf of the 750,000 Western Australians who go fishing every year, I urge you ask these candidates to pledge their support for maintaining Western Australia’s existing marine park management plans. Regardless of who wins the upcoming election the current management plans are far better than the 2012 plans and all candidates who support fishing and who truly support the environment should support retaining the current plans until they are due for review in 2028.

Marine parks mapping now a feature of Recfishwest App

The third version of Recfishwest’s popular and trusted smartphone App has launched, with new features built in to make your fishing even more stress-free than before.

The new version of the App has a new feature to help fishers better identify and understand where Marine Parks are located in WA and what fishing activities people can and can’t do within each park.

Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said with many different Marine Parks Statewide (Commonwealth and State Marine Parks) containing confusing ‘zoning’ rules and information about what fishing activities are allowed in each zone, it was important to simplify the rules for everyone, as currently all of this information is not in one easy to access location.

“We’ve responded to calls from our community to help them better understand WA’s complex Marine Park fishing rules and as the trusted peak body working on behalf of rec fishers we’ve built the new mapping feature in our App to help make their fishing easier,” Dr Rowland said.

”Coupled with WA’s fishing rules, such as bag and size limits, the mapping feature gives all West Aussie fishers confidence they are doing the right thing – and essentially supporting sustainable fishing.”

You will also see a change to the initial App loading screen. Shimano Australia have become supporting partners of the Recfishwest App, supporting sustainable fishing in WA

As a worldwide trusted brand, Shimano believe that supporting WA’s peak body for recreational fishing is good for the industry and great for getting more people out fishing.

Read more about our new partnership here.

Here are the new features of Version 3 of the Recfishwest Smartphone App

The Marine Park Mapping Tool allows people to fish stress free by knowing where the Marine Park Zones are located and what activities you can and cannot do.

The maps are downloadable to your phone, so once you leave phone range, the maps are available to you at the touch of a button.

Notifications of Marine Parks will be sent to your screen once you enter and exit a Marine Park (the App must be open to receive Marine Park notifications).

Search Function

Once a fish is searched and clicked on, upon returning to the search page, you will be returned to your previously searched for fish – rather than being returned to the top of fish search page.

To unlock these new features, please update your Recfishwest App in the App Store.