Our Purpose is to ensure Great Fishing Experiences for all in the WA community forever.
Our Commitment is to Protect, Promote and Develop Sustainable, Accessible, Enjoyable and Safe fishing for the benefit of the community.
Recreational fishing in Western Australia is enjoyed by an estimated 750,000 people each year and plays an important role in our communities around WA.
Our partnerships with community groups and organisations have great benefits in making fishing better and without the help of the community, many initiatives would not happen.
Recfishwest is partnering with community partners and together we are:
- Injecting recreational fishing licence money back into community projects that enhance recreational fishing experiences
- Leading a State Wide Fishing Safety Strategy which allows fishers access to safety infrastructure and educational materials, to help bring them home safe after a days fishing
- Travelling across the state with the help of regional communities and local fishing and boating clubs to deliver Recfishwest SunSmart Fishing Clinics. With 2019 marking the 20th year, we are proud to say we have conducted over 1100 clinics and almost 40,000 attendees have been introduced to recreational fishing and the SunSmart messaging
- Protecting and maintaining recreational fishing amenities to help remove rubbish and ensure a clean and safe environment for future recreational fishing
- Ensuring fishers with disabilities have safe and easy access to recreational fishing locations
- Improving the profile of recreational fishing and showing how important it is for the community
- Supporting research that helps better understand the health and wellbeing aspect that recreational fishing brings to the community
- Supporting and administering recreational fishing leadership programs that enhance fisheries knowledge and provide a pathway to empower our next group of young future leaders in the industry
- Hosting events with the support of the community to encourage families to get outdoors and enjoy our beautiful environment in WA
Some examples of community partnerships below:
The Great Southern Salmon Campout
Installation of Angel Rings across the State
State-wide Fishing Clinics – 20 Years of Getting Kids Hooked
West Kimberley’s Women’s Fishing Course
Event Support – Fenacing Festival