Proposed Marmion Marine Park extension

Recfishwest acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land and sea, and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future. We recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of traditional custodians in managing and caring for the land and sea. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to life in Western Australia.

Help recreational fishers have a strong voice in the review and extension of Marmion Marine Park


Perth’s northern suburbs are the gateway to one of our great city’s aquatic playgrounds – the coast between Trigg and Two Rocks – where hundreds of thousands of fishers access the high-quality fishing experiences this important part of our coast has to offer.

From fishing for herring from the many rock groynes, to chasing snapper and Samson fish out in the boat, Perth’s northern suburbs has it all.

In February 2022, the State Government announced plans to review and extend the Marmion marine park on Perth’s doorstep, which has been in place since 1987.

The Government’s community engagement strategy for this marine park involved the establishment of Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) to provide advice and recommendations to the marine park planning process.

The Government’s proposed extended boundary for Marmion Marine Park

In our role as the peak body for recreational fishing, Recfishwest convened a recreational fishing sector advisory group to provide input into the consultation process.

We also received more than 750 responses to a fishing community survey we carried out to highlight to decision-makers the importance of fishing to our community.

It is really important the fishing community gets its voice heard and genuinely factored into the final design and zoning of the extended marine park.

Role of the recreational fishing SAG

The objectives of the recreational fishing SAG were to:

  • Ensure the Marmion marine park planning team are provided clear, consistent and professional information in relation to what matters most to recreational fishers;
  • To allow a marine park to be designed in a way that is mindful of recreational fishing values and aspirations;
  • Provide opportunity for the recreational fishing community to have input into the marine park planning process;
  • Highlight issues of importance to recreational fishing to the marine park planning team.

What’s Recfishwest’s role in this marine park planning process?

As the State’s peak recreational fishing body, Recfishwest’s purpose is to ensure great fishing experiences for all in the WA community, forever.

Our commitment is to protect, promote and develop sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for the benefit of the community.

Recfishwest will advocate directly to decision-makers to ensure that recreational fishing values are understood throughout the planning process.

In this capacity, our role in the proposed marine parks public comment process is to:

  • Meet with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction (DBCA) and Traditional Owners to gain a better understanding of what the proposed park is to achieve and discuss the importance of the waters in the proposed marine park to recfishers, particularly from a local perspective;
  • Be guided by the north metro fishers, and wider fishing communities, to work for the best outcome possible for ongoing recreational fishing access. It should be noted, Recfishwest is not part of the Government and our independent, apolitical status places us in the best position to freely represent the interests of the recreational fishing sector;
  • Regularly communicate with fishers to keep them up to date with opportunities to best engage in the process; and,
  • Provide clear and comprehensive advice on how best to make a submission to DBCA.

What is the Government’s role in the marine park planning process?

WA Environment Reece Whitby and Fisheries Minister Don Punch revealed in February, 2022, consultation for a proposed Marmion Marine Park extension was underway.

Recfishwest will ensure recfishing values are understood during this process.

Read the ministers’ media release here.

DBCA, in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPRID), is leading the consultation.

As joint managing agencies, it is up to DBCA and DPIRD to ensure processes the communities views are adequately captured and recognised in any marine park plans.

Consultation and a draft design of the marine park is anticipated being released in late September – early October 2023.

The State Government noted the planning process was due to be complete in February, 2024.

How can I put forward my views on the proposed marine park?

  • Engage directly with Recfishwest. Call our office and speak directly with our Operations Lead Matt Gillett, who is responsible for engaging the community on the proposed Marmion Marine Park extension;
  • When the time comes, make a submission to Government on the DRAFT management plan. This is scheduled for March, 2023 check. Recfishwest will keep you updated as the time to put in a submission gets closer.