Join the Cast of Thousands!

Select a membership that suits you.

As a premium member, you’ll receive:

  • The opportunity to share your views on big decisions that affect fishing, which we redirect to the decision-makers
  • Updates on important fishing issues and developments via exclusive e-newsletters and other channels
  • Our comprehensive weekly Statewide fishing report
  • Automatic entry into our monthly members’ prize draw, courtesy of our partners, Shimano
  • Invites to family-friendly fish stocking events like Snapper Guardians and Troutfest
  • Voting rights at our AGM
  • A membership fish sticker for your car, boat, or esky
Sign up as a Premium Member

Become a Business Supporter

Join our Supporters Program and publicly back sustainable, safe, and enjoyable fishing in WA with Recfishwest.

Donate to Recfishwest

Help us stock more fish, build artificial reefs and jetties, and campaign for better deals for all West Aussie fishers.

Need to update your information?

Keep your membership up to date via the link on the right, or by contacting us directly at

Who is Recfishwest?

We protect the rights and interests of over 700,000 WA recfishers and the future of fishing.
As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, we work with Fisheries and the Government
to keep you enjoying what you love—fishing!

Join Recfishwest to help us preserve the fun and unique fishing lifestyle in WA.

Have questions? Contact us on 9246 3366 or

Joining the cast of thousands will help Recfishwest to:

Advocate for your fishing interests on all the big issues that affect fishing

Champion sustainability, research, and the environment

Improve accessibility, facilities, and infrastructure

Deliver more fish stocking and habitat enhancement programs.