
Recfishwest has partnerships with several Government agencies and other organisations to deliver services and projects for the benefit of recreational fishing and the WA community in general.

Become a partner here.

Our major supporting partners and the service we provide include:

  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Division of Fisheries)

    Undertaking of professional state-wide community consultation on recreational fishing related matters and delivery of independent expert advice on fisheries management issues.

  • Department of Local Government, sport and Cultural Industries

    Undertaking of activities to promote participation in recreational fishing.

  • Healthway

    Since 1999, Healthway have sponsored our State-wide Recfishwest SunSmart Fishing Clinic Program and Community Fishing Events. With thanks to Healthway, we are able to promote the SunSmart message amongst children and young people, while promoting responsible recreational fishing practices amongst the community.

  • Fisheries Research Development Corporation

    The FRDC’s role is to plan and invest in fisheries research, development and extension (RD&E) activities in Australia. This includes providing leadership and coordination of the monitoring, evaluating and reporting on RD&E activities, facilitating dissemination, extension and commercialisation.

  • Shimano

    Shimano is a trusted international fishing brand with quality fishing equipment and a great reputation. Shimano are now long time partners for supporting sustainable fishing and great fishing experiences in Western Australia. Shimano are a Supporting Partner of Recfishwest's Smartphone App, our weekly state-wide Fishing Reports, our Awesome Autumn of Salmon campaigns and our state-wide SunSmart Family Fishing Clinics.

  • BHP

    BHP are supporting the Port Hedland FADs program, the Artificial Reef Program and supporting the development of an artificial reef off Port Hedland.

  • Crewsaver

    The Crewsaver brand are world leaders in aquatic safety technology, especially lifejacket design. Crewsaver are proud supporters of Recfishwest's Fish and Survive Program through the Statewide Free Lifejacket Loan Scheme.

  • Alcoa

    Alcoa are supporting partners of Recfishwest’s Troutfest program. Alcoa’s support of Troutfest allows us to enhance the freshwater fishing experiences for people who attend this marquee event.

  • Woodside

    Woodside are supporting partners of our Community Fishing Clinics and Recfishwest’s Fishing for Science Program, specifically supporting our Exmouth, Onslow, Dampier and Cossack locations. Fishing for Science is a community engagement program that enables local communities to better understand scientifically the fish species that underpin prized fishing experiences, making them proud stewards of our marine resource.

  • Daiwa

    Daiwa is a supporting partner of Recfishwest’s Statewide community fish stocking program. Well-planned, practical, science-backed fish stocking and stock enhancement activities can support great fishing for the Western Australian community - Daiwa is helping us achieve this vision.

  • Santos

    Santos is supporting Recfishwest’s expansion into the Pilbara to help build local capacity and grow our engagement and face to face consultation needs in the Pilbara.

  • CODA

    CODA and Recfishwest are strategic partners in collaborating with the resources sector to explore new technologies and materials in the artificial reef field – helping us get more artificial reefs on the sea floor, through industry best practice.

  • Dhufish Forever

    Recfishwest is a supporting partner in the Dhufish Forever Campaign, a community driven campaign to promote good stewardship and fishing practices for demersals.

  • Fishability

    Recfishwest are proud partners of Fishability. Fishability helps children and adults requiring support to experience the joy of fishing through its 100-plus trained and experienced volunteers and by using purpose-built motorised rods, reels and fishing rod holders, along with specially-designed wheelchair accessible vessels.

Business Supporters

The Recfishwest Business Supporters Program is designed for those businesses who wish to publicly express alignment with our values and support our commitment to the protection and enhancement of safe, accessible, enjoyable and sustainable fishing in Western Australia.

If you’re interested in your business becoming an official Recfishwest Business Supporter, sign up here today or contact us for a chat about the program.

Thanks for the ongoing support from our fishing association partners: