Key Issues

WA State Election
What it is Every four years the State election presents an opportunity to seek commitments from all political parties around valuing and supporting WA fishing and the Cast of Thousands of WA fishers. As the peak…
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Cockburn Sound
Located in Perth’s coastal waters south of Fremantle, Cockburn Sound is the most intensively used marine embayment in Western Australia. It is highly valued by the fishing community for its safe sheltered waters…

Shark Bite Off
Shark bite-off, or depredation, is when a shark partially or completely consumes a fish before it can be brought onboard the boat or once the fish has been released. Nothing ruins the fishing experience like a…

South Coast Marine Parks
The Western Australian Government proposed to create a marine park on the South Coast stretching more than 1,000km from Bremer Bay to the South Australian border as part of their Plan for Our Park initiative to…

Proposed offshore wind development in Geographe Bay
In February, the Commonwealth Government released proposals for public comment on a massive 7,674 square kilometre area earmarked for potential offshore wind farm development off Geographe Bay. In selecting the…

Wire Trace Ban
In response to community concerns about fishing for large sharks at popular swimming beaches, the Minister for Fisheries banned the use of wire trace within 800 metres of the shore at all Perth metropolitan beaches…

Scrapping of the Aquatic Resource Management Act (ARMA)
The Aquatic Resources Management Act 2016 (ARMA) was new fisheries legislation designed to replace the Fish Resource Management Act 1994 (FRMA) that had governed fisheries management for the last 30 years. In 2024…

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