Recfishwest’s Community Grant Program Round 10 – applications now open

The Recfishwest community grant program is designed to enable community-based groups to undertake projects that provide a benefit to recreational fishing in their local area.

This program directly supports communities to undertake a wide range of projects. To see what was funded through the Recfishwest community grants program in Round 9 click here.

The “snag it tag it” program is  funded through the community grants program

The grants are available to a maximum of $8,000 for each applicant although preference will be given to applications under $5,000.

Applications which demonstrate the support of local recreational fishers will rank highly.

This scheme is funded using recreational fishing licence fees through the Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund.

Recfishwest Community Grant Program Application Form – Round 10

Recfishwest Community Grant Program Guidelines – Round 10

Applications open: Friday, 27 September

Applications close: Midnight Friday, 22 November

Ocean Park Aquarium received a grant to go toward two days of diving to clean up Steep Point.

Open Call for Project Applications for Fisheries Research 

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is making a public call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for research project funding that address a range of priority areas.

FRDC is a joint venture research funding scheme between the commercial and recreational fishing sectors and the Federal Government. Every commercial fishing licence in WA contributes through their annual access fees an amount of 0.25% of the gross value of production for each fishery. The recreational sector contributes through licence fees. Every $1 raised by the commercial and recreational sectors is matched by a $1 from the Federal Government.

Given the public nature of marine resources the Federal Government has agreed to also invest a further $2 for every $1 from industry for assist funding research proposals that have a significant benefit to the broader public good.

A proportion of the funds raised from industry (and matching funds from government) are allocated on a state-by-state basis and invested back into industry through approved research project funding.

General research priority areas have been identified by the fishing sectors and are set out within the WA Research Advisory Committee R&D Plan 2016-2020. A copy of this plan can be obtained at:

Specific R&D priority areas for the November 2017 call for expressions of interest will be published shortly on the following site:

Expressions of Interest must be submitted by the 15th of February 2018. EOIs not submitted by this date may not be accepted unless prior approval for a later submission date is provided by the FRDC.

A description of how to Apply for Funding by submitting a research project proposal (known as an Expression of Interest) can be viewed on the FRDC website at the following link:

For all enquiries please contact Skye Barrett, Project Manager, WA Research Advisory Committee on Mob: 0419 935 945 or Email:

Recfishwest and community working together to improve your fishing

Recfishwest Community Grants Scheme – Round 7

Recfishwest is proud of the annual Recfishwest community grant scheme. This scheme is an opportunity for community groups to apply for funding to support community projects that make fishing better in WA.

Applications for Round 7 of the Recfishwest community grant scheme came from a broad range of community groups including fishing clubs and associations, health care providers, sea rescue groups, local government, environmental groups, men’s sheds and disability advocates.

There were some fantastic applications for fun, exciting and innovative ways to improve fishing experiences. Recfishwest takes great pleasure in providing community groups with the opportunities to make some dreams a reality, and we respect and acknowledge that often these small community groups have the ability to stretch a dollar much further than anyone could think possible.

The partnerships Recfishwest builds with community groups are equally valuable for us in supporting and hearing the wishes of the fishing community and ultimately working together for the goal of making fishing better for West Australians.

Recipients of Recfishwest Community Grant scheme – Round 7 funding include:

1. Mandalay Holiday Resort – To continue their popular family fishing event
2. Fervor – A seafood cook book utilising native Australian bush herbs and spices to complement our local seafood.
3. Fremantle Sailing club – To promote their Calamari Classic event alongside an educational workshop to support the occasion.
4. Fishability – Funding to assist in improving their wheelchair friendly fishing vessel the Nev Thomas.
5. Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club – To once again support their highly successfully Kid’s Whiting Competition during the school holidays.
6. The Australian National Sportfishing Association WA Inc – Modernising the way in which they collect data for their West Tag program.
7. Esperance Deep Sea Angling Club – To continue the ever popular Family Fishing Fun Day, fishing education and safety as well as improving rock fishing safety infrastructure.
8. Albany Offshore Boating and Fishing Club – Support for their Easter rock fishing safety campaigning at Salmon Holes.
9. Esperance Land Based Fishing Club – A grant has been awarded to help build their annual fishing event.
10. Greenhead Men’s Shed – These local champions have received a grant to go towards the cost of designing, obtaining approvals and construction of a fish cleaning station for the local boat ramp.
11. Surfcasting and Angling Club of WA – The purchase of safety equipment and life jackets for dry casting days and fishing field days.
12. WA Underwater Club – Funding to educate on safe and effective practice for freedivers and spearfishers including regional representation and training course subsidies.
13. Breast Cancer Care WA – Continued support for the Purple Fly Fishing program providing the opportunity for those profoundly affected by breast cancer to enjoy the experience of fly fishing in a serene natural setting.

Mandalay Holiday Resort owner Clive Johnson and previous Recfishwest Community Grant recipient said: “The owners and staff of Mandalay Holiday Resort would like to thank Recfishwest for making some funds available to sponsor this great event (Mandalay Family Fishing Competition 2015/16). It was great to see kids get such a thrill for catching their first fish and making fishing available to so many families.”

Recfishwest continues to support local community ventures, and commend all the fantastic work and initiative taken by the community to date, completed through these grants.

Broome’s first-ever women’s fishing workshop a major success


The Broome Fishing Club’s first-ever women’s fishing workshop was held last month and was a great success.

As part of its recent push to get more women into fishing the club hosted 67 lady anglers, who have all been very complimentary about the afternoon.

To make it even better, many of them took advantage of good weather on the following day to get out and try their newly-learned skills, with great results which led to a number of selfies on social media.

The workshop itself was broken into three sections, with the Department of Fisheries giving a talk on fish identification and bag limits.

The ladies were then broken into seven groups for knot tying demonstrations, with an instructor for each group.

The workshop concluded with a talk on the all-important topic of safety.  Family members then joined ladies for a meal of Mexican to round out a fun day.  Rounding out the community feel of the event, the local Men’s Shed also helped with the day, providing bus transport to the Broome Fishing Club from town.

If you are a keen female fisho and want to get involved and keep updated on what the group is doing, join the Broome Girls Gone Fishing Facebook page.