With the trout season now in full swing and the spring weather allowing you to get out and enjoy WA’s beautiful South West, we’d like to take the time to reflect on our recent Troutfest event.

More than 300 people joined us at Drakesbrook Weir on 31 August to help the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, the Pemberton Trout Hatchery and Recfishwest stock the dam with hundreds of brown and rainbow trout.
Families and kids of all ages got their feet wet and their hands dirty as they helped us bring fish of varying sizes to the water before carefully sending them on their way.
The event also saw members from the Australian Trout Foundation and Western Australian Trout and Freshwater Angling Association share their knowledge with attendees on all things fishing, including casting lessons, bait and lure fishing techniques and rigging.
Some lucky trout fishing newbies got to actually catch a trout, take some snaps and share the joy with their friends and family. It was great to see so many people enjoying the licence-free Father’s Day weekend and spend time in the majestic landscape of WA’s Peel region and South West.
All up, the day was a fitting celebration of WA’s fantastic freshwater fishery that brings thousands so much pleasure, as well as helping support the South West’s and the Peel regions’ regional economies.
Troutfest plays part of a carefully managed stocking program, using hatchery reared trout grown from freshwater fishing licence revenue to enhance the fishery and therefore provide better fishing for all.
With the Minister announcing an exciting new initiative at Troutfest – the launch of the WA Inland Fisheries Research Advisory Committee – we are confident this will steer the future direction of research and development of inland fisheries, securing a brighter future for the trout and freshwater fishery in Western Australia.
Click here to see what the Minister had to say!
Trout stocking in WA’s South West

It’s not just Drakesbrook that received all the trout love though.
Trout have recently been released in many of WA’s south-west waterways including Blackwood River, Brunswick River, Harvey Dam, Logue Brook Dam, Big Book Dam and Waroona Dam, in sizes from fry right up to ex-brood stock.
Check out where you can fish for trout here.
Trout are a species that can really float your boat and have you thinking of nothing else, so if you’re new to trout fishing and keen to have a go, find out all you need to know about trout fishing here.
Thank you
Thank you again to our partners who helped make Troutfest a great success and we look forward to your support next year: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, the Pemberton Trout Hatchery, Shire of Waroona, the Waroona Visitor Centre, Waroona Lions Club, Alcoa, Australian Trout Foundation and the Western Australian Trout and Freshwater Angling Association (WATFAA).
Also thank you to those that entered our Troutfest event feedback form, congratulations to Patrick Umali who was picked out of the hat to win our freshwater prize pack.
Check out our selection of pictures from the day below!