Nomination of Director – Recfishwest Annual General Meeting 2020

Recfishwest’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the Burswood on Swan Function Centre, 1 Camfield Drive, Burswood on Tuesday 10 November 2020 commencing at 4.30pm to conduct the business outlined in the Constitution.

The business of the meeting will include:

  • confirmation of Minutes from the 2019 Annual General Meeting;
  • the presentation of the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, Balance Sheet and the Auditors Report;
  • declaration of any ballots for elections; and
  • the appointment of Auditors.

The Recfishwest Board of Management is comprised of eight Directors.

  • Five Directors elected from the Membership
  • Three Directors appointed based on expertise

At the 2020 AGM vacancies will exist for two Directors elected from the membership to hold office for a term of two years. Directors whose terms expire are eligible to seek re-election.

Incumbent Directors, Simon McLernon and Dean Thorburn have indicated their intention to re-apply for the Board.

Nomination Process:

Only financial members are eligible to stand as Directors.  A Member intending to nominate for the above positions needs to give notice to the CEO of Recfishwest in writing on the

Nomination form – Director Elected 2020 (click to download)

Nomination forms must reach the Recfishwest office no later than midnight on Sunday October 18 2020 and should be submitted either:

  • by email to and marked ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR”,
  • or by post to: Chief Executive Officer, Recfishwest, Suite 3/45 Northside Drive, Hillarys, WA, 6025.

A confirmation of receipt will be returned.