Trout fishing doesn’t have to be all about secluded leafy South West streams and dams as this weekend’s two-day Fish in the ‘Burbs event proved.
Young fishers who wet a line at 2021 Fish in the ‘Burbs enjoyed landing rainbow trout in a suburban setting during the four FREE booked-out fishing clinics held at Austin Lakes Estate in South Yunderup, near Mandurah at the weekend.

With more than 100 youngsters taking part in the clinics, Recfishwest Operations Officer Sam Russell said this year’s Fish in the ‘Burbs, held in partnership with the Shire of Murray, was a bit hit with angling mad locals.
“Fish in the ‘Burbs offers the chance for people to fish for rainbow trout in a safe setting that’s not off the beaten track,” he said.
“For some fishers who live nearby, they only had to walk a short distance to the park to try and catch a couple of trout from the lake in the middle of Austin Lakes Estate.
“At Recfishwest we are all about creating fun and easily accessible new fishing opportunities for everyone.
“Seeing the next generation of freshwater anglers having such a great time, many of whom caught their first fish, was exactly what we want to see more of in suburban lakes and ponds around the State.
“It would be great to progress this program so one day anglers are trying their luck for a sportfish, such as a barra, from their local park’s lake.”

Fishing gold at the end of the rainbows
In addition to the four kids’ fishing clinics, Recfishwest’s partner organisation Fishability also held a fishing clinic on Saturday at Fish in the ‘Burbs.
Austin Lakes Estate provided an ideal location for Fishability to host a clinic, with fishers easily able to access the lake in search for rainbow trout.
See more photos from the ‘Burbs 📸
The trout stocked into Austin Lakes Estate’s lake were hatched and reared at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Pemberton-based hatchery — a big Recfishwest shout-out to the aquaculture team there.
Recfishwest also thanked the Shire of Murray and Fishability, for their parts in ensuring Fish in the ‘Burbs was a massive hit.