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November 10, 2021

Recfishwest 2021 Annual General Meeting – celebrating a terrific 12 months for WA fishing

More places to fish and more fish to catch – Recfishwest has celebrated another successful 12 months working to make WA fishing even better. (more…)

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November 04, 2021

Scott’s Species – brassy trevally, spectacular surface striking sportfish

Looking almost identical to a giant trevally, the little cousins of the GT are great fun in their own right while not growing to the huge sizes of their close relative, writes Western Angler editor Scott Coghlan in…

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November 02, 2021

Get the most out of your fish with these great ‘how to’ filleting videos

An elite WA fish filleter has teamed up with Recfishwest to produce three ‘how to’ fillet videos to help you to get meatier fillets off your fish and better use out of what’s left over. (more…)

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October 28, 2021

Another terrific ‘whites run’ expected for cray lovers this summer

Cray days are coming with the ‘whites run’ almost upon us. (more…)

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October 28, 2021

Scott’s Species – bluenose salmon, a tough and fierce fighter

Catching a bluenose salmon never leaves Western Angler editor Scott Coghlan blue in the face. The seasoned fisher loves catching the sportfish when he’s in WA’s north and the species is the focus of…

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October 27, 2021

Seeding the Sound’s snapper sanctuary back to health

Cockburn Sound – an incredible fishery on Perth’s doorstep. (more…)

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October 25, 2021

Trout come to town as Fish in the ‘Burbs is another big hit

Trout fishing doesn’t have to be all about secluded leafy South West streams and dams as this weekend’s two-day Fish in the ‘Burbs event proved. (more…)

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October 11, 2021

Nominate as a director for the Recfishwest Board to make WA fishing even better

Recfishwest is seeking nominations for candidates from across WA to be considered for appointment for three vacant positions on its Board of Directors. (more…)

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October 08, 2021

Find out more and have your say on shaping a future south coast marine park

As one of WA’s great recreational fishing landscapes, the south coast is hugely important for tens of thousands of recfishers, providing sometimes spectacular fishing opportunities from the shore and from boats…

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