Late last month, Recfishwest attended a workshop hosted by the Wesport Taskforce aimed at identifying risks to recreational fishing should a decision be made to build a port facility in Cockburn Sound.
The workshop was attended by interested fishers who were given an opportunity to raise concerns and identify risks posed by any proposed development.
Plenty of healthy, robust discussion took place as fishers were asked to rate perceived risks around seagrass and marine habitat, recreational fishing and boat access, protecting fish and spawning conditions, as well as general water quality in the Sound.
All of the risks were considered to be high by those attending, who explained the reasons behind their concerns.
Cockburn Sound is already under considerable pressure from a range of man-made causes and those who attended echoed the sentiments of the broader fishing community around the increased impact that an outer harbour development in Cockburn Sound might have.
Recfishwest welcomed the opportunity to put forward the views and concerns of fishers into this dedicated consultation process.
That said, Recfishwest will not support any development that further impacts on Cockburn Sound fishing experiences, this includes a new outer harbour development option.
Although we are actively contributing to positive policy development through this process, we cannot guarantee what the final recommendation of the Westport Taskforce will be. What we can guarantee is that Recfishwest will continue to fight to protect pink snapper and the great fishing available in Cockburn Sound.
Read our position on the Cockburn Sound Outer Harbour proposal here.