It was great catching up with hundreds of passionate fishers who took the time to speak to at this year’s Perth boat show.

Recfishwest thoroughly appreciated the opportunity to get to hear the views of many members of our community and industry on all things fishing, with the majority of comments being overwhelmingly positive.
Some of the topics that came up included:
- Crab management changes and Cockburn Sound crab, click here for more;
- Our rec fishing app, for more info click here;
- Building and installing fish cleaning stations – a good candidate for a Community Grant, click here for more info;
- Shark bite-off;
- Illegal fishing, click here for info about FishWatch;
- Cockburn Sound pink snapper management changes, click here for more info;
- State-wide artificial reefs program;
- Rigging rock lobster pots.
There was plenty to talk about at this year’s Perth Boat Show.
Thanks to all those who took the time to come and chat about the topics and parts of fishing they were concerned about or believed required attention, as well as just talking fishing with us, of course! It certainly got us even more fired up!
We had 99 entries into the kids’ lures design competition and there were some amazing designs with plenty of new, never-seen-before lure patterns and colours invented by the creative young fishers.
We’re hoping to draw a winner soon, who will have their lure printed as a limited edition Halco Laser Pro 120 and the honour of being Recfishwest’s official member’s lure for the year.
The winner also gets a tour through the Halco factory in Fremantle, some Halco merch and, of course, a few of their own personally designed lures to share with their friends and family! These lures will be sent out to our Recfishwest members in their annual member packs.