It is common knowledge that the WA coast can be unforgiving. In our State alone we have lost 27 people from rock fishing incidents since 2002, an alarmingly high number for our beloved past time. This is a strong reminder that fishers must always consider the dangers when fishing along our coast.
Recfishwest wants you and your family to return home safe after a day’s fishing, and because of that we are proud to work with our community partners, government and the public to make that a reality through fishing safety initiatives around WA.

Earlier this month, Recfishwest Safety Officer Bronte Nardi, traveled to the Gascoyne to work with rock fishing safety partners to see how the safety initiatives were progressing and to discuss some potential improvements in the area.
Recently, Recfishwest has been working with the owners of Quobba Station, Tim and Sara Meecham, who have installed new angel rings at high-risk fishing locations along the Quobba coast.
The Meechams believe in the program and have been more than willing to get their hands dirty and lend a hand.
Angel rings are also located at two other hardcore fishing locations in the Gascoyne, Steep Point and Dirk Hartog Island, where plenty of avid fishers venture each year for their thrill of land-based game fishing, but who sometimes come unstuck on the rocks.
Angel rings are not the only piece of safety equipment available in the Gascoyne region to ensure you return home safe after landing some great catches of shore-based mackerel or tuna.
You can also make the most of Recfishwest’s FREE Loan Life Jacket Program, where you can hire slimline, lightweight fishing life jackets, the Crewsaver 165.

Recfishwest have locations in the area with local businesses such as Carnarvon Tackle and Marine, Tel-O-Mac Tackle Carnarvon, Quobba Station and Steep Point Ranger Station supporting the program, so why not pay them a visit, talk fishing and grab a free jacket for the day?!
Bronte said a lot of people in the WA community are working tirelessly to keep rock fishers safe.
“Without the support of local businesses, the FREE loan lifejacket program would not exist,” Bronte said.
“These operators are locals, they know the conditions and they want to see an end to fishing fatalities in their towns.
“Recfishwest is once again stressing the importance of taking personal responsibility for your own safety while fishing, by observing conditions and using appropriate safety equipment.
“On your next fishing trip with your family and friends to the Gascoyne, please make sure you stay safe, wear a life jacket, hire a free one and return home safe.”

Gascoyne safety equipment:
FREE loan lifejacket retailers:
- Carnarvon Tackle and Marine;
- Tel-O-Mac Tackle Carnarvon;
- Quobba Station; and
- Steep Point Ranger Station.
Locations of Angel Rings:
Dirk Hartog Island:
– Quion Head
– Urchin Point
– West Point
Steep Point:
– False Entrance
– Thunder Bay Blow Holes
– The Oven
– The Fault Line
– Blowholes
– Old Boundary
– Loopy’s
– High Rock
– 2 Mile
– Whistling Rock
– The Ledge
– Camp Rock
– The Caves
Recfishwest’s State-wide Fish and Survive Program, which includes the Free Lifrjacket Loan Scheme, is proudly funded by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.