Greens Pool Fishing Closure a Disappointment for Local Fishers!

Recfishwest is disappointed with the decision made on the 11th December by Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly to close Greens Pool, near Denmark, to fishing year-round.

Greens Pool has provided safe and accessible fishing opportunities for families for decades, particularly in winter when prevailing weather and swell patterns can be very poor and potentially hazardous elsewhere in the region. The spot is popular for species such as whiting, herring and skippy.

The issue of fishing in Greens Pool is a long running one. A vocal minority within the local community have been pushing to have fishing in this spot closed for the best part of a decade, citing safety concerns around interaction between fishers and swimmers.

Recfishwest recognise from time to time recreational fishing activities might be considered inconsistent with the prevailing community values of a resource or an area.

In cases where concerns and impacts are deemed real and valid and represent broader community opinion, Recfishwest are supportive of introducing balanced measures to resolve such conflict. However, in this case, the Minister has seen fit to ban all fishing for the whole year.

Recfishwest believe the closure of Greens Pool to all forms of fishing is unfounded and unwarranted.

We are disappointed there was not broader community discussion around the issue and potential solutions that would provide better outcomes for all user groups.

Read the Ministers Media Release here.


Header image courtesy of JamesFultonPhotography.