For some recfishers, freshwater angling has remained elusive.
This is often because they are apprehensive about paying for a freshwater licence and stepping blindly into the ‘foreign world’ of the freshwater fish.

But now, thanks to a great project, the product of the Australian Trout Foundation (ATF), the way is lit for anyone who wants to have a crack at this distinctive branch of angling.
The ATF is an independent, not-for-profit organisation in the country that is specifically dedicated to protecting and improving Australia’s trout fishery, ensuring that all Australians can enjoy trout fishing now and for future generations to come.
Now the ATF has written and produced a guide on how to fish many of the impoundments most accessible to metro fishers, including; Waroona, Drakesbrook, Logue Brook and Harvey dams. Each location has its own break-down so you have the edge when you rock up to the dam! The guide is jampacked full of information on lure types, fishing styles and hot tips such as trolling diving minnows from a boat in summer to get to cooler water, jigging soft plastics from your kayak around structure, or casting spinners or flies on the windward side of the dams! Learn about hook sizes, line weights, bait types, rod and reel combos, just about anything you could ask for is crammed into the guide. The ATF is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that is specifically dedicated to protecting and improving Australia’s trout fisheries, ensuring that all Australians can enjoy trout fishing now and for future generations to come and we think their guide has done just that.
Filled with heaps of great freshwater fishing information from the well-versed freshwater fishers at the ATF, the guide will help point any fisher in the right direction and hopefully put them a cast closer to their first trout. The ATF also plan to roll out a series of guides explaining where and how to fish for trout in the rest of the South-west.
You can catch the full guide here.
Or grab a hard copy at the information centres of both Waroona and Harvey.