***UPDATE*** Saturday 3 February abalone session has been postponed due to forecast unsafe conditions. A replacement session will take place on 9 March (pending the assessment of swell and weather conditions).
The four dates for jumping in the drink to collect a feed of abalone this summer have been announced!
Nearly 17,000 of WA’s licensed abalone recfishers will be able to gather Roe’s abalone between Guilderton to Busselton on the following four days.
- Saturday, 9 December from 7-8am
- Saturday, 13 January from 7-8am
- Saturday, 17 February from 7-8am
- Saturday, 9 March from 7-8am (replacement session for loss of scheduled 3 February session)
If bad weather causes the cancellation of one of the abalone dates above, a backup day will be made available.
The best preparation and fishing practices for improving your safety
Staying safe while collecting a feed of abs always needs to come first and if you’re wanting to know the best tips and tricks for not only maximising your protection while abalone fishing but also the best gear that improves your odds of a successful day’s fishing, then Surf Life Saving WA (SLSWA) have you covered.
SLSWA’s abalone fishing tips on their website outline the best abalone gear to use which makes it significantly easier and safer when prowling the inshore reefs.