Recfishwest’s 2020 vision for the future of recfishing
Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland was asked to write a ‘think-piece’ article for the December edition of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation’s FISH magazine about the future of recfishing.
FISH magazine goes out to leading players in the fishing industry and fisheries research world and it was a good opportunity for Andrew to outline our vision of meeting future challenges by creating fish abundance through stocking programs, artificial reefs and evolving fishery management strategies.
In addition, Andrew also talks about the importance of making sure fisheries managers understand the social value of recfishing and take this critical part of the equation into account when making management decisions.
It’s a thought-provoking article providing an insight to some of our bigger picture thinking of where we need to go to ensure we continue to fulfil our purpose of creating “great fishing experiences for all in the WA community, forever.”
Read Andrew’s FRDC FISH article here
Andrew Rowland Recfishwest’s 2020 vision for the future of recfishing
We thank the FRDC for the opportunity to share our views with industry through FISH magazine.