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July 21, 2022

Canning Bridge closure – Recfishwest seeks answers from Main Roads WA

‘KEEP OUT – FISHING PLATFORM CLOSED’ – these are the stark words that have confronted disappointed Canning Bridge fishing regulars on arrival at their favourite fishing spot in the last couple of weeks…

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July 15, 2022

Hot tips for rigging anti-shark bite-off gear.

Sharks – ‘the tax man’, ‘men in grey suits’ or an expletive-riddled combination of both. Whatever you call them, they can ruin a day’s fishing. Over the course of 400 million years –…

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July 15, 2022

Herring bag limit increasing from 12 to 20 in October

In a great outcome for WA anglers, Fisheries Minister Don Punch recently announced the herring bag limit is to be increased from 12 to 20 from 1 October. One of the most easily accessible fish to catch off WA…

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July 14, 2022

Nine years and 2,000km later – 12 breeding barra finally return to Kununurra

It’s a fish journey that gives Finding Nemo a run for its money. One of the original captors from 2013, Ben Little, who previously worked at the hatchery. Rewind to 2013 in the East Kimberley Ord River in Kununurra…

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July 14, 2022

Scott’s Stories – The importance of fishing for mental health

For some people fishing is just a hobby or a pastime, but for leading Queensland marine biologist Daryl McPhee, it was a genuine life-saver. The health and well-being benefits of fishing are often forgotten when…

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July 13, 2022

Take our Marmion Marine Park and South Coast Marine Park online surveys!

If you fish between Trigg and Two Rocks in Perth’s north or between Bremer Bay and the South Australian border on our southern coast, Rercfishwest is strongly encouraing you to take our respective marine park…

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July 07, 2022

Recfishwest calls for Traditional Owners to be given greater leadership roles in fisheries management

As part of NAIDOC week celebrations, Recfishwest recognises the strength, resilience, knowledge and capacity of Traditional Owners in managing and caring for the land and sea. Recfishwest with members of the ETNTAC…

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July 07, 2022

Bigger trout in more numbers expected this freshwater fishing season!

There’s plenty of reasons to be excited for the future of freshwater fishing in WA’s beautiful South-West following the release of this year’s trout stocking numbers and locations. Not only can you fish the dams…

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July 05, 2022

Chris Dixon’s tips on avoiding the dangers of rock fishing

Thinking about fishing from the rocks? You need to read this article! Fishing from rocks comes with many risks, particularly in poor weather conditions and high swell. Even seasoned rock fishers can get caught out…

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