As one of WA’s great recreational fishing landscapes, the south coast is hugely important for tens of thousands of recreational fishers, providing spectacular fishing opportunities from both shore and boat.
Recently, the McGowan Government announced plans to create a marine park on WA’s south coast, potentially stretching 1,000km from Bremer Bay all the way to the South Australian border.
The Government’s community engagement approach for this marine park involves the establishment of Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) to provide advice and recommendations to the marine park planning process.
It is really important the fishing community gets involved in the two-year process for developing an indicative management plan for this marine park and in our role as the peak body for recreational fishing, Recfishwest is convening a recreational fishing sector advisory group.
We’re calling on passionate fishers from the south coast fishing community to put their hand up to represent recreational fishers’ interests and values on this group.
To be considered for this group, fishers must have a strong knowledge of south coast fishing experiences and want to ensure recreational fishing interests and values are considered during the south coast marine park planning process.

Role of the recreational fishing SAG
The objectives of the recreational fishing SAG are:
- Ensure the south coast marine park planning team are provided clear, consistent and professional information in relation to what matters most to recreational fishers on the south coast;
- To allow a marine park to be designed in a way that is mindful of recreational fishing values and aspirations;
- Provide opportunity for the recreational fishing community to have input into the marine park planning process;
- Highlight issues of importance to recreational fishing to the marine park planning team.

How to register your expression of interest in becoming a SAG member
If you would like to be considered for a place on the SAG, read the background documents below, then download, complete and return this recfishing SAG application form below to by Friday, 17 December.
Find and complete the recreational fishing Sector Advisory Group application form.
Read the Recreational Fishing Sector Advisory Group background information here.
See the Recreational Fishing Sector Advisory Group Terms of Reference here.
Read the guidelines for the proposed South Coast Marine Park Sector Advisory Group here.