We have an exciting update regarding the development of the Esperance artificial reef.

The Australian Government’s Department of Environment and Energy have approved the final piece of the process to get the Esperance artificial reef in the water.
Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland is excited to receive the final approval and says the reef is due to be deployed in October.
“The Esperance community and Recfishwest have been working for many years to make this dream a reality and now we’re past the final step,” Dr Rowland said.
“We’ve had great support from both State and Commonwealth Governments for this project, along with the Goldfields Esperance Development Commission.”
“The local fishing community rolled up their sleeves and teamed up with reef engineers, Subcon, to build their own 128 module, 150 tonne reef, and now to get this final tick of approval means a lot to the community.”
The funding for the Esperance reef comes from the Goldfields-Esperance Regional Grants Scheme, funded by Royalties for Regions and the Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund supported by Recfishwest and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
The reef will provide families in small boats access to safe fishing experiences close to Bandy Creek Boat Harbour and Wylie Bay, with access to fish species such as Pink and Queen Snapper, Nannygai, Breaksea Cod, Samson Fish, flathead, whiting and tuna.