Snag It, Tag It

Recfishwest and Western Rock Lobster are continuing the ‘Snag It, Tag It’ safety initiative to combat the dangers of snagged fishing gear on rock lobster pots.

The Snag It, Tag It danger tags are available at many locations, including tackle shops, in the State’s north, the metropolitan and WA’s south.

Deckhands on cray fishing boats off WA’s coast have previously been injured after being struck by fishing gear snagged on lobster pot lines, as pots are hauled to the surface on a high-speed winch.

Snag It, Tag It is an important safety initiative aimed to mitigate this safety risk by arming recfishers with waterproof caution tags to tie to ropes and floats if they accidently snag fishing gear on a lobster line or pot.

This will mean deckhands on commercial fishing vessels face less risk of injury when pulling in pots at high speed.

Find out where you can get the Snag It, Tag It tags below: