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April 01, 2022

Salmon Slam 2022 first phase wraps up with prizes galore for winners!

After some intense fishing competition, the winners of the opening round of the 2022 Salmon Slam are set to collect some awesome fishing prizes, after the first phase came to an end yesterday. Salmon Slam 2022 is…

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March 24, 2022

Scott’s Species – harlequin fish, the coral trout of the south

In this week’s Scott’s Species, Western Angler editor Scott Coghlan turns his attention to one of the most eye-catching fish off the WA coast — harlequin fish. Species: Harlequin fish, Othos dentex…

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March 22, 2022

Recfishwest to play a leading role in mapping out a bright future for herring

Recfishwest has been asked by Fisheries Minister Don Punch to play a lead role on a working group that will develop a comprehensive forward-looking plan for the future management of herring. As we recently reported…

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March 16, 2022

Magic day in the Bay of Isles at Esperance’s premier fishing comp

Ever heard of a fisher reeling in $16,000 in cold, hard cash? Well, it’s exactly what Brett Thorpe did at this year’s Esperance Archipelago Offshore Angling Classic. (more…)

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March 15, 2022

Herring stock recovery: Do you think the bag limit should be restored to 30 herring?  

As we recently reported, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) latest fisheries scientific assessment has shown WA’s herring stocks have strongly recovered, following…

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March 15, 2022

Scott’s Species – brown trout, a memorable freshwater catch

They might be an introduced species, but I must admit I love brown trout. They hold a special place in my angling heart, Scott Coghlan of the Western Angler writes, perhaps as a result of several trips to New…

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March 04, 2022

Scott’s Species – wahoo, a rapid bluewater pelagic

Really, if there is a species I probably shouldn’t write about, it would be wahoo, writes Western Angler editor Scott Coghlan in this week’s edition of Scott’s Species! For many years I failed to catch…

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March 01, 2022

Catch a salmon for a chance to land awesome fishing prizes this autumn

It’s a sight for sore eyes — the first salmon school you spot for the autumn. (more…)

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February 21, 2022

Sensational stocking sees 100,000 snapper released into metro waters!

A 100-day-old pink snapper swimming through the seagrass meadows of Cockburn Sound – one of the most important nursery habitats based on the city’s doorstep. (more…)

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