Enter our fab FADs photo comp and win a Shimano Stella 4000!

With more reports of the Perth FADs beginning to fire, along with whispers of fish being caught off the Albany and Cape Naturaliste FADs, we would like you to help us monitor our three-year Statewide trial FADs program.

We’d like you to send us in your best photos of fish caught at these already deployed aggregating devices and those to come soon off Geraldton, Exmouth and Broome.

By doing so, you’ll be entered into our FADs photo competition, to promote and monitor the success of the devices – deployed to create additional fishing opportunities for line and spearfishers.

The photo comp will run from Feb 1 to June 30.

For your troubles, you’ll be in the running to win a fabulous Shimano Stella 4000. We have made the entry conditions as easy as possible so more of you can enter and be in for the running for this top of the line reel, which is also perfect for taming any small to medium-sized pelagics you might encounter while fishing the FADs.

So, here are some basic rules and what you need to send us to be in the running:

  • A high-quality picture of a fish caught at any of the FADs deployed across the State (see contact details below);
  • In your picture make sure the FAD is clearly visible in the background;
  • If the fish is bleeding heavily, wash away excess blood before taking the photo;
  • Fish must be caught during the competition time;
  • Unlimited entries per fisher;
  • Competition is open to both line and spear fishers;
  • By entering you waive any intellectual rights to the image and agree to us to use the image you sent for any of our promotional materials including all of our digital channels and for any content we provide for external publications

Email in your high-quality pictures to aaron@recfishwest.org.au

Now – it’s over to you – get out there, give the FADS a crack and let us know how you go – we’d love to hear from you and see some of your pics of prized catches on the new FADs.

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