Australia Day award recipient inspires recfishing community to great things

If ever you needed inspiration to get involved in helping the community – look no further than Exmouth’s Rusty Ellis.

Recfishwest would like to give a big congratulations to Rusty for receiving an Australia Day Honours Emergency Services Medal for his service to the community over the past decade as a Marine Rescue Exmouth volunteer.

Rusty Ellis has been acknowledged for his volunteering and commitment to the Exmouth community.

The long-time supporter of Recfishwest was recognised for several critical search and rescue missions at sea in extreme conditions, as well as his review of local response times, which resulted in a new purpose-built rescue vessel for the Gascoyne town.

“It’s great to see someone who cares so much about fishing and the fishing community, he is prepared to put it on the line with such tireless service and get the recognition he deserves,” Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said.

“As a Recfishwest member, Rusty has also freely given his time in helping with a number of Fisheries and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation projects and as an Exmouth Reef Vision volunteer monitoring Exmouth’s King Reef.

“In the past, he has been an active member of the West Australian Game Fishing Association, along with the Naturaliste Game and Sport Fishing Club and I will always be thankful for the assistance he provided to me during my PhD Samson Science work more than a decade ago.”

Dr Rowland added that Rusty is a great example of the generosity of spirit and time that helps glue our community together and drives us forward in our purpose of making fishing even better in WA for everyone.

“I’d like to think that Rusty’s endless commitment and energy will inspire many others in our community to step up and do their bit,” Dr Rowland said.

“Our strength lies not just in our unity, but through the actions and efforts of individuals like Rusty.

“So good on ya, Rusty, and all those other unsung heroes in the recfishing community who help make the WA fishing experience one of the best in the world.”

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