News Archive

All the trout stocking numbers and locations for 2024!
There are 66,500 reasons to be excited for the future of freshwater fishing in WA’s beautiful South-West following the release of this year’s trout stocking numbers and locations! Based on the recommendations of…

Cockburn Sound to reopen for crabbing this summer!
Recfishwest is delighted by the Minister for Fisheries’ decision to reopen Cockburn Sound for crabbing this summer from 1 December for the first time in 10 years! The announcement follows DPIRD’s updated scientific…

Tantalizing prospect of potential artificial reef for Esperance Jetty
Fishing for species like Samson fish, skippy and squid from Esperance Jetty is likely to go to the next level with the potential installation of multiple artificial reef modules around the popular structure next…

Critical South Coast fishing areas under threat from proposed illogical no-fishing zones
Although the public comment period on the proposed South Coast Marine Parks may have closed, Recfishwest is continuing to work on the issue on behalf of 700,000 fishers. “We continue to make a strong case to…

Exmouth’s King of the Reef competition flexing its species diversity muscle
We’re nearly halfway through Exmouth’s King of the Reef competition, and we’ve already seen a fantastic variety of species caught and released at the artificial reef and surrounds. To celebrate…

Vehicle access to be restored at South Mole following big fishing community response
In a great result for metro fishers, Recfishwest is delighted to announce that Fremantle Ports is to reopen vehicle access to South Mole in the coming weeks. The cherished land-based fishing spot has only been…

Check out the stunning marine life brimming around the artificial reefs off Mandurah and Perth!
Check this out, metro fishers – large schools of fish being spotted on our Perth “Fish Towers” and Mandurah artificial reefs picked up by our latest scientific monitoring using baited underwater cameras…

King of the Reef crown and $15k up for grabs in Exmouth Fishing for Science comp!
To celebrate the spectacular fishing on offer at Exmouth’s King Reef, Recfishwest is teaming up with Woodside Energy and the Exmouth Game Fishing Club to deliver the ’King of the Reef’ Fishing for Science…

Senior Police Sergeant says fishing safety angel ring saved man’s life at Quobba
A Carnarvon senior police officer at the centre of a risky rescue of a fisher washed off the rocks on our Mid-West coastline said the man would not be alive had he not been kept afloat by an angel ring –…

Gascoyne’s spectacular fishing on full display at Carnar-Fin Fishing Competition!
Hundreds of local community members and more than 250 fishers flocked to Carnarvon to experience the highly anticipated Carnar-Fin Fishing Competition. Since its inception in 1992, Carnar-Fin has become an annual…

Get your marine park submissions in by June 16 to defend access to our cherished fishing spots
Recfishwest is urging ALL FISHERS who care about protecting access to cherished fishing spots to make a South Coast Marine Parks submission before the June 16 deadline. Whether you live and fish on the South Coast…

Fishing families flock to Denham for 2024 Shark Bay Fiesta!
For the 29th year running, the coastal town of Denham swelled in size for the hugely popular Shark Bay Fiesta that celebrates the fantastic fishing on offer in the Gascoyne region. Recfishwest joined the Denham…

Popular fishing jetties around WA set to benefit from the budget
Jetties are the heart of local coastal communities, providing accessible fishing for everyone and essential nearshore habitat for a range of important fish species. In good news for fishers, numerous jetties…

The past, present and future of WA’s artificial reefs and Recfishwest’s role!
Ever wanted to know the history of how artificial reefs became so successful around the world and the future reefs set to make a splash off our coastline? Recfishwest’s Programs Manager James Florisson also…

Metro fishers urged to have their say on South Mole vehicle access
Cherished land-based fishing spot South Mole in Fremantle is now open to foot-traffic only after having been closed in mid-March. Recfishwest has requested Fremantle Ports restore vehicle access to South Mole…

Recfishwest says “NO” to Offshore Wind Energy development in Geographe Bay’s critical fish habitat
Recfishwest has told the Commonwealth Government that important fish habitat and fishing grounds in Geographe Bay are strictly off limits for Offshore Wind Energy developments. In February, the Commonwealth…

Five new cutting-edge FADs provide great new sportfishing opportunities for Port Hedland fishers!
Pilbara fishers have received a fantastic boost for offshore fishing options following the installation of five Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) off the Port Hedland coast. The new FADs were anchored in position…

How 200 metre setbacks could help protect access to cherished land-based fishing spots on our South Coast
There is nothing quite like standing on a south coast beach, rod in hand, facing the salt spray as the water laps at your feet. Dreams of mulloway, salmon, big tailor and skippy, or maybe a snapper often become a…