What it is
Every four years the State election presents an opportunity to seek commitments from all political parties around valuing and supporting WA fishing and the Cast of Thousands of WA fishers.
As the peak sector body, while we are not aligned to any political party, Recfishwest’s role is to secure policy commitments and investments from all parties that can benefit fishing,
Fishing is an integral part of our culture and lifestyle, and it should be celebrated, championed, and protected. In WA, more than 750,000 people go fishing every year. Recreational fishing in WA adds more than $1.1 billion to WA’s annual GDP and creates more than 9,600 full-time jobs.
Over decades, government investment into recreational fishing has not reflected the significant social, economic and well-being value our fishing provides to individuals, communities, regions or the State. The 2025 State election in March presents the opportunity to ensure political parties commit to redress that significant shortfall.
What Recfishwest is doing
Recfishwest works tirelessly to protect, promote and develop sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for the benefit of the community. In line with these objectives, our election manifesto calls on all parties to support investments to improve the health and productivity of our aquatic environments and build abundant and resilient fish stocks.
In the lead-up to the 2025 State Election, Recfishwest has developed a manifesto calling for investments into fishing from all political parties over the next four years to ensure our great fishing experiences are safeguarded for generations to come in the face of a changing environment due to factors such as climate change. Click here to see our election manifesto snapshot.
As part of this manifesto, we have also made the case for clear government policy underpinning these investments that better appreciates the significant value of fishing and ensures our great fishing experiences are safeguarded for generations to come.
We will report on commitments by each party when they are made. In our February Broadcast newsletter, we will provide a detailed report on each party’s support for Recfishwest’s fishing manifesto, along with all other fishing-related pledges each party has made.
What we’ve heard
Here are some political promises that have been announced by contesting parties that support our manifesto targets ahead of the 2025 State Election.
- 18th November announcement from Labor party – plans for a new accessible fishing platform on the eastern foreshore of the new Mandurah Estuary Bridge if re-elected – more info here.
- 20th December announcement from Labor party – $2.2 million in grants to improve boating facilities and make them safer for users at Derby, Mandurah, Port Denison and Leeman, if re-elected – more info here.
- 8th January announcement from Labor party – $3 million in funding towards improved marron habitat at Harvey, Logue Brook and Wellington dams if re-elected – more info here.
- 12th January announcement from Liberal party – pledge that would see six recreational fishing licences costing up to $290 replaced with one ‘covers-all’ licence for $40, if elected – more info here.
- 12th January announcement from Labor party – pledge of $2 million in funding towards expansion of fishing platform at Hillarys Boat Harbour and a new $2 million fishing platform at Quinns Rocks.
- 29th January announcement from Labor party – $4 million universal access fishing platform to be built following construction of new northern breakwater at Casuarina Boat Harbour in Bunbury, if re-elected – more info here.
- 3rd February announcement from Labor party – $116 million proposed for the Tantabiddi upgrade on the Ningaloo coast which would include new boat ramps, recreational jetties, boat pens and fishing platform, if re-elected – more info here.
- 4th February announcement from Labor party – if re-elected, they will commit to an additional $50,000 each year towards Fishability, boosting their annual funding to $250,000 and providing more fishing opportunities for people with disabilities – more info here.
What you can do
Ask candidates standing in your electorate:
- How will you improve our fishing experiences?
- Will you support Recfishwest’s manifesto in full?
- Join the Cast of Thousands as a Recfishwest member to help increase our advocacy power with politicians and decision-makers.